Little Charmers 3" Hazel and Seven Figurine Set

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  • Bring home all the magic of Charmville with the Little Charmers Hazel Figurine set.
  • 3" Hazel figurine has three points of articulation, including her head, arms, and waist for a seated pose.
  • Now kids can bring home their adventures with an entire line of magical Little Charmers characters and toys!The Hazel Figurine Set is made for ages 3. Batteries not required.
  • Includes: 1 Hazel, 1 Seven, 1 Wand, 1 Instruction Guide

  • Play out the magical adventures from Little Charmers with the Little Charmers Hazel Figurine Set. This set comes with Hazel, her favorite kitty Seven, and her signature magical Star Wand. Hazel is still a Charmer in Training, but she loves to explore and try out sparktastic new spells with her magic wand. Expand the fun and collect Hazel's charmy best friends Posie and Lavender. Together, they can practice their magical spells! Sparkle up with the Little Charmers Hazel Figurine Set!
    Brand: LITTLE CHARMERS, Model: 20065478

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