Libaoge Modern Gorilla Monkey Music Oil Painting Wall Painting Canvas Painting Home Decor Oil on Canvas 33x33 inches

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  • Comes without frame,was packed in a plastic tube.
  • 100% hand-painted high quality oil painting by professional artist in Dafen Oil painting village.
  • This painting is 33X33 Inch ,we support any size you want,if you need customized,you can please feel free to contact us.
  • High quality canvas and environmental oil paint or acrylic paint,not printed,the pictures we show on Amazon are taken from real in our gallery..since it is hand-painted,we can not confirm it is 100% as the pictures show when you get what you order,if needed,we can take resend a photo before we ship it out.
  • Perfect for Living Room, Bedroom, Office, Cafes, Hotels Decoration

  • Product feature: A gift for your family, relatives and friends,also a perfect choice for wall decoration. If you need other size,you can feel free to contact us in advance.We will ofer you best price and service. Item will be shipped out within 5-7 business days when the payment is received.We can finished the painting in an early time if we have not enough in stock,but we need more time to let it dry.We hope you can go on the order and will not ask for a cancellation request if you need wait a week. High quality canvas and environmental oil paint or acrylic paint,not printed,the pictures we show on Amazon are taken from real in our gallery..since it is hand-painted,we can not confirm it is 100% as the pictures show when you get what you order,if needed,we can take resend a photo before we ship it out. About us: We are a professional artwork seller in Dafen oil painting village,Shenzhen. There are many great artists in here. They love art, witch rich and special imagination, creativity. We can paint for your pictures with different kinds styles of pure hand-painted oil paintings such as abstract art, modern trend, landscape, etc. Of course, we can also provide the paintings according to your requirements. We have strict quality control team, Professional skills and talented artists, each painting is our artists using only top quality oil paints and canvas 100%hand-painted meticulously, but price is much less than the market with class painting, very preferential. Welcome patrons! Shipping Detail: Item will be shipped within 5 business day when the full payment is received. In general the shipping time will be approximately 15-25 business days.
    Brand: Libaoge, Model: 33x33(inches), Color: Orange, Size: 33x33inch

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