Learning Resources Garden Fresh Salad Set, 38 Pieces

Learning Resources
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  • Help little ones build healthy eating habits
  • Teach concepst like serving, sharing, and pretending
  • Durable, crush-resistant plastic will stand up to years of use and is washable
  • Comes with 38 peices, including: tongs, large serving bowl and smaller salad bowls, lettuce, peppers, cucumbers, and more!
  • For ages 2 and up!

  • Make salad for four with veggies galore! Even the pickiest eater will happily pretend to create and eat this salad. Using the large serving bowl, toss up mixed lettuce greens with tomato and cucumber slices, carrot crinkles, and pepper rings, and serve into 4 individual bowls with perfectly sized salad tongs. Encourage healthy eating habits from the start and teach the concepts of serving and sharing with this appetizing set! Ages 2.
    Brand: Learning Resources, Model: LER9745-D, Color: Multi, Size: -

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