Learning Resources Code & Go Robot Mouse Activity Set, 83 Pieces

Learning Resources
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  • This coding set for kids turns coding into a hands-on analog activity for tactile and visual learners
  • As kids learn to program they build key skills that include critical thinking, problem solving, sequencing, and programming fundamentals
  • Colby lights-up, makes sounds, and features 2 speeds along with colorful buttons to match coding cards for easy programming and sequencing
  • This coding set includes 16 maze grids, 22 maze walls, 3 tunnels, 30 double-sided coding cards, 10 double-sided activity cards, cheese wedge, and activity guide to provide a hands-on introduction to coding concepts
  • Included 16 maze grids create a 20" x 20" maze board and Colby the mouse measures 4"L and requires 3 AAA batteries (not included). Ideal for ages 4

  • The race is on to build hands-on coding skills! Build your maze, and then use the coding cards to create a step-by-step path for Colby, the Programmable Robot Mouse. Program the sequence of steps, and then watch Colby race to find the cheese! This deluxe set includes 30 double-sided coding cards, 10 double-sided activity cards, cheese wedge, and Activity Guide to provide the perfect hands-on introduction to coding concepts. Create your path with 16 maze grids to create a 20" x 20" maze board, 22 maze walls, and 3 tunnels for endless possibilities. Colby lights-up, makes sounds, and features 2 speeds along with colorful buttons to match coding cards for easy programming and sequencing. Add multiple players with Jack, the Programmable Robot Mouse (LER 2841), sold separately. Colby measures 4"L and requires 3 AAA batteries (not included)
    Brand: Learning Resources, Model: LER2831, Color: Multi, Size: -

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