LeapFrog My First LeapPad Educational Book: I Know My ABCs

SKU: EZFB000067P3K
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  • LeapPad interactive books and cartridges engage children in activities that develop vocabulary, spelling and phonics awareness
  • Each book is packed with engaging activities, games, stories and facts that make reading and learning more enjoyable
  • You'll see and hear things that start with letters from A to Z, like ants, jelly beans, zebras and everything in between
  • Not compatible with the "LeapPad" or "LeapPad Pro" Learning Systems

  • As children interact with Leap and friends, they learn their ABCs and develop an early love of learning. This darling flipbook teaches the basics of pre-reading, including letter recognition, vocabulary, matching sounds to objects and more. Also teaches social skills such as following directions, manners and safety. For use with the My First LeapPad learning system only. Imported.
    Brand: LeapFrog, Model: 80-20060E

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