Le Toy Van Castle Playset, Lionheart

Le Toy Van
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  • THE LARGEST CASTLE - This magnificent castle is the largest in the Le Toy Van range and features an impressive turn-lifting drawbridge, a pull-up portcullis, turrets, towers, prison ramparts, a winch, a ladder and flags.
  • BEAUTIFUL CASTLE - This castle is beautifully painted grey looks like it is made of stone, and has red accents on the top of the towers, the drawbridge and the flags. Drawbridge, doors and gates all open and close.
  • BEST TOY AWARD WINNER - Le Toy Van creates award winning traditional toys in a number of iconic ranges from collectable characters through to classic doll houses. Stylish aesthetics and high play value encourage real learning through imaginative play.
  • MADE OF WOOD - Le Toy Van toys are all made of wood, with exquisitely painted details. It is fully decorated wooden castle and perfectly scaled for Budkins characters and any other figurines around 10cm tall.
  • PRODUCT DESCRIPTION - Perfectly scaled for Budkins characters and any other figurines around 10cm tall. It has features of 3 towers, a pulley winch, 2 prisoner cells, a break-away wall and a functional portcullis and draw bridg; Recommended for kids 3 years and older.

  • The Lionheart Castle - Le Toy Van's larges castle with an impressive lifting drawbridge, turrets, towers, portcullis, prison, ramparts, winch, ladder and flags are all included. The castle is made of beautifully painted wood, and sits on a wooden baseboard. Dolls sold separately. Established in 1995, Le Toy Van designs and produces detailed painted wooden toys. Stylish aesthetics and high play value encourage real learning through imaginative play. Le Toy Van creates award winning traditional toys in a number of iconic ranges from collectable characters through to classic doll houses.
    Brand: Le Toy Van, Model: TV290

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