Awesome Remote Control Robot that Shoots Missiles, Walks, Talks & Dances
Large Robot Stands 14" Tall! Includes Remote Control and 8 Missiles
10 Easy to Use Functions: LED Flashing lights, shoots missiles, walks, slides, and dances
Robot Size: 14" (height) x 4.5" (width) x 8.5" (length) inches
Requires 4 "AA" batteries for Robot and 2 "AA" batteries for remote (not included)
Large Remote Control Robot Toy, Shoots Missiles, Flashing Lights and Sound, Walks, Talks, and Dances! Remote control toys make for awesome gifts for kids, and this RC toy robot is one of the best! Features a variety of functions to keep your kids occupied. Really Shoots Missiles! After loading him up with 5 darts (3 extras are included) he is ready to stalk your unsuspecting target! Move the remote control robot towards your target and then press "fire"! Walks & Talks Control the RC Robot with the controller to make him slide/walk forward and backwards, left or right. He will also talk. Press the "Dance" button and watch his dance moves accompanied by music. Robot Size: 14" (height) x 4.5" (width) x 8.5" (length) inches. Requires 4 "AA" batteries for Robot and 2 "AA" batteries for remote (not included). Ages 3 and Up. Brand: Liberty Imports
Custom Tab 01
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