Scraps Stitched 'n' Sewn was sewn from scraps and a bolt of lightning.She's a super-shy girl, who's not very well put together.Not much of a talker, she dislikes crowds, but she loves making new friends.
Sewn on: August 30th(Mary Shelley's Birthday)
She has an adorable pet dog
Articulated head, arms and legs.
Shoes and clothes can be removed for fashion play
The Lalaloopsy dolls were once rag dolls who magically came to life taking on the personalities of the fabrics that were used to make them They live in a colourful silly world and it s your job to keep the magic of their world alive Each Adorable Lalaloopsy doll character is different and comes with an adorable pet They are totally collectible and to help improve collectability each doll has a character poster included For ages 4 to 104 Brand: Lalaloopsy, Model: 525721, Color: multi/none
Custom Tab 01
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