Kneipp Herbal Bath, Value Size, Sweet Dreams, Valerian & Hops, 6.76 fl. oz.

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  • Beneficial if you are overtired or suffer from a racing mind
  • Helps relax the mind, calm the nerves and sink you into a sweet slumber to get the restorative rest you need.
  • With naturally potent Valerian essential oil and Hops extract.

  • Overtired and can't sleep Nighttime nerves causing a racing mind Soak for 15-20 minutes in nature's naturally potent Valerian essential oil and Hops extract. A warm bath in this famous “blue bath” will help relax the mind, calm the nerves and sink you into a sweet slumber to get the restorative rest you need. Be sure to prepare for bedtime within 15 minutes of soaking in the Sweet Dreams Bath! Out of balance & over tired Combine 1capful of Lavender Balancing Bath with 1capful of Valerian & Hops Sweet Dreams Bath to completely calm the body and mind, while sending you into a restful sleep. Make Kneipp bath time a healthy ritual and soak in nature's benefits. Transform your bath with the healing powers of water combined with plant and herbal essential oils blended to promote better overall health.
    Brand: Kneipp, Model: 4008233046785, Size: 3.38 Ounces

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