King Pig with Angry Birds Magic. Works with iPad

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  • Play Angry Birds in a whole new way!
  • Place King Pig on the app at any time to switch to King Pig mode
  • Pigs turn into eggs and the birds turn into pigs!
  • Features four new game modes!
  • Includes King Pig figure

  • Angry Birds Magic Game: Play the number one selling game app in a whole new way with Angry Birds Magic! The single pack includes a King Pig character figure and instructions on how to download the free HD version of Angry Birds iPad app. Once downloaded, place the King Pig on the HD app version at any time, and it unlocks an entirely new skinned King Pig mode, featuring new sounds and new characters. The pigs turn into eggs on the screen, and the birds turn into pigs! Achieve the King Pig award after passing each level. App automatically updates if you have the HD iPad app.

  • Product Measures:
  • Recommended Ages:5 - 12 years

  • Brand: Mattel, Model: Y2826, Color: multi/none

    Custom Tab 01

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