Kent FOT Hand Made Comb for Men, 112mm/1 Ounce

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Brand Kent
Model A FOT
Color Brown
Size FOT

  • Country of origin: India
  • Please read all label information on delivery
  • Fine toothed men's pocket comb

  • Kent Fine Toothed Pocket Comb for men is made from 100 percent cellulose acetate. The pocket comb will provide gentle and non-scratch treatment of the hair and scalp. This pocket comb comes with fine spaced teeth which are ideal for styling medium or fine textured hair.

    Kent hand sawn combs are cut from large sheets of cellulose acetate rather than moulded, producing a truly gentle comb whereas moulded combs often snag and damage the hair. This material is tactile, flexible and strong. They glide effortlessly through hair without scratching to damaging the hair or scalp. Kent combs have rounded teeth which ensure a smooth and comfortable action. Length: 11.2 centimeter

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