2U Flanged Spacer Blank

Kendall Howard
In Stock


Brand Kendall Howard
Model 1901-1-002-02A

  • Four mounting holes per U space
  • Two 1/2 inch flanges
  • Tool-less mounting clips included
  • 19" EIA compliant
  • Made in the USA

  • The Kendall Howard 2U Flanged Spacer Blanks are a cut above the rest. Spacer Blanks are often used as a way to fill in any gaps and conceal empty rack spaces in a rack or enclosure. The use of filler panels not only makes racks look neat, clean, and organized, but when installed properly they provide added support to the mounting rails. These rack panels are also critical for controlling proper airflow especially in cold aisle/hot aisle applications. Universal/Tool-Less Mounting - The 2U panel features oblong mounting holes that are compatible with any standard rack hardware. However, the included tool-less clips make installation a breeze with any universal cage nut style rail. Rounded Corners - The rounded corners and durable powder coat finish provide a smooth edge for safe handling and installation. Proper Airflow - Using spacer blanks to fill the gaps and openings throughout your rack installation is especially important if thermal management is a concern. Not only will the filler panels prevent unwanted debris, such as dust, from getting in, but it will also prevent hot air from being recirculated into your equipment. Professional Look - Installing rack panels in the unused rack mount spaces (RMS) gives your overall installation a clean and organized appearance. Added Support - The two 1/2" flanges on the top and bottom of the spacer blank increase the strength of the panel. This in turn helps to better support the rack rails and can even help shore up a server rack or cabinet.

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