Kai FG5055 Chuboos Stainless Steel Mold (Bear)

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  • Stainless steel mold by chuboos
  • Shapes like a bear for food-time fun
  • Create burgers shaped like a bear, or cut cheeses and other foods in a bear shape
  • Use directly in a pan, and an egg comes out shaped like a bear
  • Features a fitted press and convenient collapsible handle

  • Mold burgers or cook eggs or pancakes into fun, kid-friendly shapes with the Chuboos Stainless Steel Molds. Each mold has a perfectly sized press to mold burgers and meats into the desired shape. Cook eggs or pancakes-whatever you wish directly in the pan-our mold features a convenient flip-up handle for removal. Your family will ask for these fun shapes again and again! Perfect for parties, appetizers, or just a fun snack after school, Chuboos Stainless Steel Molds are a mom's best friend in the kitchen! Comes in three fun shapes: bear, rabbit and fish. From Kai-makers of fine cutlery and house-wares know world-wide come Chuboos-a line of fun, unique gadgets that make at-home Asian cooking a breeze!
    Brand: Chuboos, Model: FG5055, Color: Silver

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