Inis the Energy of the Sea Travel Cologne Spray, 0.5 Fluid Ounce

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  • 0.5 ounce travel spray for refreshing fragrance anywhere, unisex
  • Ocean-fresh fragrance with sparkling sicilian lemon and marine, refreshing lily of the valley, and base notes of sandalwood and clove
  • Perfectly sized for handbag, travel, desk drawer
  • Authentic Irish, made in Ireland
  • Never tested on animals

  • Perfectly sized for travel, take our inis the energy of the sea refreshing fragrance with you anywhere with our 0.5 oz. Travel spray that easily meets airline faa size restriction regulation. Inis - the Irish word for 'island' - invigorates with refreshing top notes of sicilian lemon and marine, followed by a soft wave of lily of the valley, and base notes of sandalwood and clove. The sparkling scent instantly refreshes and brings a feeling happiness. Inis the energy of the sea is the signature scent of fragrances of Ireland, a boutique perfumery based in county wicklow, Ireland. For over thirty years, fragrances of Ireland has been creating perfumes and toiletries inspired by the magic, beauty and nature of Ireland.
    Brand: Inis, Model: 8012371, Color: Clear, Size: 0.5 Fluid Ounce

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