Herbatint provides permanent color in only one application, which can only be removed by growing the color out. Our product uses a natural herbal base with no ammonia. Utilizing the many beneficial properties obtained from herbal extracts and proteins, Herbatint gently colors and protects the sensitive structure of your hair giving a deep natural gloss and brilliance. You can also lighten your hair color by approximately one shade using Herbatint. The colors 8N, 9N, and 10N have a lightening capacity of two tones. Herbatint can be used even if a chemical dye has been used to color your hair. If you have a permed hair, please take into consideration that your hair is more porous, select one shade lighter than usual for best results. This package contains- 1 Herbatint Hair color Gel (60ml. 2fl. oz.), 1 Glycol Developer (60ml. 2fl. oz.), 1 Sample of either Royal Cream or shampoo 1/3 fl. oz. - 10ml., 1 Pair of gloves, 1 Instruction Leaflet. Covers white hair from the first application. View Herbatint Color Chart. Brand: Herbavita, Model: HT00109, Size: 4.5 oz
Custom Tab 01
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