Herb Pharm Stinging Nettle Blend Extract - 1 Ounce

Herb Pharm
SKU: EZDB00014G78O
Out Of Stock


Brand Herb Pharm
Model DNETT01
Size 1 Ounce

  • Stinging nettle liquid herbal extract to support a healthy respiratory system
  • Easily absorbed liquid engages the senses of taste and smell to help the body recognize & use herbs
  • Extracted from the Certified Organically Grown, shade-dried herb of Urtica dioica plants with organic cane alcohol for optimal potency
  • Vegan, non-GMO, & gluten-free. Herb identity assured via HPTLC fingerprinting and other methods specific to each herb
  • This statement has not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease

  • Herb Pharm Stinging Nettle extract works with the body's natural mechanisms to support the respiratory system. Herb Pharm prepares Stinging Nettle from spring-harvested Urtica dioica plants which are Certified Organically Grown. Stinging Nettle extract is easily dosed and taken in liquid form. It may be added to water or other liquid for taste and is easily absorbed into the bloodstream. Stinging Nettle has a rich vegetal taste and is slightly salty. Herb Pharm never uses synthetic solvents. The company's farm is Certified Organic, Bee Friendly, and Salmon Safe. Herb Pharm is the #1 selling liquid herbal extract brand in US Natural Food (SPINS). Herb Pharm is a company of herbalists, scientists, and farmers in GMO-free Josephine County, OR. There, they have been cultivating herbs with care, precision, and respect for nature since 1979.This statement has not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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