Harrison Convex Stainless Steel Insulated Wine Bottle Chiller by Viski

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  • STAINLESS STEEL CONSTRUCTION - Our sleek and smooth stainless steel bottle chiller is constructed with durability in mind, making it an extremely resistant piece of barware.
  • VINTAGE, MUSEUM-WORTHY PANACHE - Our chiller's classic shape and vintage aesthetic is as close to art as you can get
  • DOUBLE WALLED LINING - Thickness and insulation is an important part of keeping your wine cold for an extended period of time. Our chiller is double walled, so your wine can stay cold and fresh tasting longer
  • FITS STANDARD WINE AND CHAMPAGNE BOTTLES - Its contoured design doesn't stop our wine chillers from fitting your regular wine and champagne bottles
  • ANGLED AND CONTOURED DESIGN- Convex and angled to perfection, our wine chiller is crafted to make your wine bottles look as good as they taste

  • Viski is the go-to brand for all barware accessories. Our stainless steel convex wine bottle chiller and champagne chiller is both sleek and smooth, making it a durable and extremely resistant piece of barware for your home. Its vintage aesthetic is a museum-worthy panache that's as close to art as you can get. In addition to its elegant shape, our personal bottle chiller acts as an insulated wine cooler too. With a double walled lining to boot, the thickness and insulation is an important part of keeping your wine cold and fresh tasting for an extended period of time. Convex and angled to perfection, our stainless steel wine chiller is crafted to make your wine bottles look as good as they taste. The innovative contour design doesn't stop our wine chiller from fitting your regular wine and champagne bottles either.
    Brand: Viski, Model: 0668, Color: Silver, Size: Bottle Chiller

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