Hape Wooden Doll House Furniture Patio Set with Accessories

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  • Help your doll family prepare for beautiful warm weather in the backyard with Hape's perfect patio set
  • Everything a doll family needs for a comfortable evening outside
  • Includes two flower pots, one watering can, one umbrella/patio table, two patio chairs, two shish kebabs and a BBQ grill
  • Materials include Baltic birch and maple from FSC managed forests, Hape finishes are all non-toxic, child safe and of the highest quality
  • Hape has been a leader in designing and manufacturing high quality baby and children's toys made from sustainable materials since 1986

  • The perfect summer escape to make everyday feel like vacation for your happy doll family! The Patio Set from Hape is a wonderful retreat, including two patio chairs, a table with an umbrella, two flower pots, a watering can, a barbeque grill and shish kabobs. What more could well rested dolls need to spend an evening with their family and friends Imaginative role play and storytelling are natural parts of children's playtime habits, and with this product they are sure to thrive! Made from wood sourced from environmentally sustainably sourced forests. Hape toys stimulate children through every stage of development and help nurture and develop their natural abilities. All Hape products sold in North America meet or exceed all applicable safety standards.
    Brand: Hape, Model: E3460

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