Hape Modern Family Wooden Youngest Daughter Doll

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  • A little star in her own right, Younger Daughte Doll loves her hand-painted bird shirt with hand-painted shoes from Hape
  • Isn't being the youngest best anyways
  • Introduces dexterity, creativity, storytelling, and role playing
  • Recommended for ages 36 months and up
  • Non-toxic finishes and child safe materials

  • Every Hape wooden doll family needs a Wooden Doll Younger Daughter. How else would the other wooden doll children develop independent identities while their wooden doll parents shower attention on the youngest one And having a younger sibling may just require the older children to fashion themselves into upright examples of role-model behavior. But anyways, Hape's Wooden Doll Younger Daughter is a little star in her own right, appreciative of her parents and the fact that they went out and got her a hand-painted bird shirt with hand-painted shoes from Hape. She couldn't have asked for a cooler outfit. Every Hape wooden doll family needs a Wooden Doll Younger Daughter. How else would the other wooden doll children develop independent identities while their wooden doll parents shower attention on the youngest one And having a younger sibling may just require the older children to fashion themselves into upright examples of role-model behavior. But anyways, Hape's Wooden Doll Younger Daughter is a little star in her own right, appreciative of her parents and the fact that they went out and got her a hand-painted bird shirt with hand-painted shoes from Hape. She couldn't have asked for a cooler outfit. For ages three years and up.
    Brand: Hape, Model: E3509

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