Hape Modern Family Wooden Son Doll

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  • This Son Doll is his own man, but that doesn't mean he doesn't listen to his super cool parents or his even cooler grandparents
  • Son Doll decided to dress himself in all blue attire with a blue ball cap and a blue hoodie with the largest zipper-pull he could find
  • Poseable wood figure with lots of wonderful painted on details to encourage hours of storytelling and creative play
  • Recommended for ages 36 months and up
  • Non-toxic finishes and child safe materials

  • Though Hape's Wooden Doll Son may be sporting a big set of headphones to listen to the latest trendy tunes coming out of Nashville (or wherever popular doll music comes from), that doesn't mean he doesn't listen to his super-cool parents or his even cooler grandparents. Wooden Doll Son took his mom's outfit recommendations to heart, but decided to dress himself in all blue attire with a blue ball cap and a blue hoodie with the largest zipper-pull he could possibly find. All of the Wooden Doll Son's wooden clothes he decided to get from Hape, because he knew that if their clothes were anything like their toys, they would be made with high-quality and craftsmanship in mind. Though Hape's Wooden Doll Son may be sporting a big set of headphones to listen to the latest trendy tunes coming out of Nashville (or wherever popular doll music comes from), that doesn't mean he doesn't listen to his super-cool parents or his even cooler grandparents. Wooden Doll Son took his mom's outfit recommendations to heart, but decided to dress himself in all blue attire with a blue ball cap and a blue hoodie with the largest zipper-pull he could possibly find. All of the Wooden Doll Son's wooden clothes he decided to get from Hape, because he knew that if their clothes were anything like their toys, they would be made with high-quality and craftsmanship in mind. For ages three years and up.
    Brand: Hape, Model: E3508

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