HABA Doll Pram Flowers - Wooden Doll Buggy with Bedding (Made in Germany)

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  • A HABA classic. This high quality wooden doll pram is the perfect accessory for every little dolly mom.
  • Suitable for any doll up to 18" and built to last for many generations. It comes with a three piece bedding set with flower motif (pillow, duvet and mattress) which provide for a most comfortable ride.
  • Features wooden wheels with rubber tread, making it safe for any indoor surface. The handle is adjustable to two height positions - perfect toy for toddlers who make their first independent steps!
  • The sturdy HABA Wooden Doll Pram is the perfect height for young children ages 1 and up. Measures 20 x 11 x 21". Ships fully assembled except for the handle which must be attached by an adult.
  • Made of Solid beech wood and treated with non-toxic water based paints, this heirloom quality doll buggy is made in Germany.

  • HABA's Doll Pram (Flowers) is an instant classic. This version decorated with flowers is guaranteed to strike a chord with your little girl.
    Brand: HABA, Model: 0949, Color: Pram Flowers

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