EASIER. Gunapod is the only sleep sack with option to fully open from the bottom up to change a baby's diaper, making diaper changing easy fast while your baby stays covered cozy. No need to undress or use center zip. Easiest sleeping baby transfers
MOST COMFY. The most generous fit of any sleep sack - it's wider, longer and has larger armholes, for a more comfortable fit! Extra room for hip-healthy kicking folding legs, but cannot be kicked off so baby stays covered all night.
SUPER SOFT. This plush fleece will become your baby's favorite lovey
SMARTER. WONDERZiP offers 3 options - allows sack to open just the bottom for easy diaper changes, or completely from either side for sleeping baby transfers, or the traditional middle. Your choice.
SAFE SLEEP. Certified Pediatric Sleep Consultant Approved, Winner of International Hip Dysplasia Award, Mom's Choice Award, First Candle Safe Sleep Award, Dr. Toy's Best Picks Award, Family Choice Award. Exceeds highest USA, CPSIA AAP, International safety standards. International Hip Dysplasia Award. Toxin-BPA-Phthalate Free. Rigorously tested to keep your baby safe.
The easiest diaper change,most comfortable sleep sack. The award winning Gunapod is the ONLY sleep sack with option to open from the bottom allowing easy diaper change without undressing baby with WONDERZiP. And it fits better. Patented design in super soft plush fleece is multi functional for baby's optimal comfort, ensuring a better safer sleep, easiest diaper changes, most generous fit temp control zip to customize the cozy. Everyone gets a better night's sleep Brand: Gunapod, Model: 1111ors, Color: Orange, Size: 0-9 Months
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