Green Toys Sandwich Shop

Green Toys
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  • Features 2 bread slices and 2 bun pieces that can be stacked with all sorts of fixingsUnique raised knobs on each piece allow the pieces to drop easily into place, without sliding off as little ones build their perfect burgerInterchangeable with other Green Toys stacking play food productsPractice matching pictures to the pieces, to reinforce color and shape identificationEarly readers can write in their patrons' names and read the ingredient choices aloudMotor skills are developed as children stack-up and serve-up all different types of burgers and sandwichesIn the Box: (1) Green Toys- Sandwich Shop- STSA-8587
  • This 15-piece, stackable, mix-and-match play food set comes with all the fixings to create two complete sandwiches
  • Each realistic part is made from food-safe, 100% recycled plastic milk containers which saves energy and reduces greenhouse gas emissions
  • Meets FDA food contact standards
  • Dishwasher safe

  • Green Toys Sandwich Shop

    It's lunchtime at your favorite eating spot! With the Green Toys Sandwich Shop young chefs can open their own imaginary deli and take orders, create sandwiches and serve guests. This 15-piece, stackable, mix-and-match play food set comes with all the fixings to create two complete sandwiches. Made in the USA from food-safe, 100% recycled milk jugs. Packaged using only recycled and recyclable materials with no plastic films or twist ties, and printed with soy inks. Recommended for ages 2 and up.

    Unique raised knobs let pieces stack easily into one another and not slide off as children play.Recycled plastic versus virgin plastic saves tremendous amounts of energy.
    Stackable Sandwiches Loaded with Eco Friendly Fun

    This colorful 15-piece set features 2 bread slices and 2 bun pieces that can be stacked with all sorts of fixings to create a sandwich made-to-order. The unique raised knobs on each piece allow the pieces to drop easily into place, without sliding off as little ones build their perfect burger. The pieces are interchangeable with other Green Toys stacking play food products and fit on Green Toys kitchen play sets, making the Sandwich Shop a perfect addition to the existing collection.

    Role Play Brings Imagination to Life

    Children will love role-playing a full service sandwich shop with this fun, interactive set. With the easy-to-use check boxes on the order pad, preschoolers can practice matching pictures to the actual pieces, and reinforce color and shape identification. Early readers can write in their patrons' names and read the ingredient choices aloud. Motor skills are developed as children stack-up and serve-up all different types of burgers and sandwiches!

    Old-Fashioned Fun that's Made in the USA!

    Like all Green Toys products, the Sandwich Shop is manufactured in the USA with a tight, local supply chain that minimizes transportation emissions and supports the domestic economy. Made from 100% recycled plastic milk jugs that save energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, this super-safe toy contains no BPA, Phthalates, PVC, or external coatings, eliminating the fear of toxins and lead paint. It also meets FDA food contact standards and is dishwasher safe, making it perfectly safe for playtime, and easy to clean after!

    Green Toys products are made from 100% recycled plastic milk jugs (#2 recycled HDPE).

    At a Glance
  • Ages: Two and up
  • Requires: Ready to play indoors or out
  • Made in the USA from 100 percent recycled milk jugs
  • Sturdy and durable
  • Designed to encourage role playing and development of gross and fine motor skills
  • Phthalate and BPA free
  • US supply chain reduces greenhouse gas and saves energy
  • Easy to clean--can even go in the dishwasher
  • Accolades: Canadian Toy Testing Council 3 Star Seal; Dr. Toy Best Green Product

  • Brand: Green Toys, Model: STSA-8587, Size: Size

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