Graftobian Glitterglam - Ruby Sunrise (0.5 oz)

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  • Each bottle of 0.5 ounce Graftobian Ruby Sunrise GlitterGlam liquid glitter will give you approximately 25-100 applications
  • A great alternative to loose glitter, you have more control with Graftobian Liquid Glitter
  • Safe to use on all skin types and all your face and even your lips!
  • Apply effortlessly with a brush, and though it takes longer to dry, once it does dry, it is long lasting
  • Add unique pizzazz and glamour to your face painting designs

  • A great alternative to dry and loose glitter, Graftobian GlitterGlam Liquid Glitter is a non-alcohol based glitter gel and is highly durable. Best of all, it is safe to use on all skin areas, even lips! The application uses are endless so let your creativity run wild with Graftobian Liquid Glitter at your next face painting event. GlitterGlam is water soluable, making it easy to apply and remove. It does take longer than usual to dry, but once it has dried, it is long lasting and beautiful. The visual impact of Graftobian Liquid Glitter is startling and amazing. Your face paint designs will stand out from the crowd and make an impact. Graftobian GlitterGlam Liquid Glitter comes in an 0.5 ounce size.
    Brand: Graftobian, Color: Ruby Sunrise, Size: 0.5 Ounces

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