Gonzo Natural Magic Stain Remover - Non-Toxic Carpet Clothing Sweat Wine Blood Laundry Stain Remover and Cleaner - 8 Fluid Ounces

Gonzo Natural Magic
In Stock


Brand Gonzo Natural Magic
Model 1007
Color Neutral
Size Pack of 1

  • ELIMINATE - A wide variety of stains including pet messes, baby formula, milk, coffee, blood, grass, grease, sweat, vomit, and urine
  • SIMPLE - Squeeze, blot and kiss stains goodbye
  • STRONG -Removes stains like they were never there
  • WORKS ON - A variety of odors including garbage, pets, smoke, fish and other cooked food, bathrooms, shoes, sports gear, musty air, vomit, paint
  • USE ON - Clothing, carpet, upholstery, vinyl and to pretreat laundry

  • Gonzo Stain Remover is an odorless, non-toxic, non-flammable and environmentally safe cleaner for clothing, carpet, upholstery and vinyl which removes beverages, coffee, tea, baby formula, milk, blood, grass, grease, pet stains, vomit, urine, perspiration and more. Gonzo is safe for you and your fabrics!

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