Golden OPEN Acrylic Green Gold 2oz Tube

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Brand Golden
Color Green Gold
Size 2 oz

  • OPEN acrylics remain wet far longer than other acrylics
  • Working time varies according to how thick the material is applied
  • Thin applications tack allowing layers to be applied and blended
  • 2oz Green Gold

  • OPEN Acrylics are a true departure from all other acrylics on the market. Designed with a unique and relaxed set of working characteristicsOPEN acrylics dramatically expand the range of techniques that are available to artists who prefer to use acrylics. OPEN acrylics remain wet far longer than other acrylics and resist skinning on the palette during long painting sessions. Working time varies according to how thick the material is applied. Thin applications tack upallowing additional layers to be applied and blended. Thicker applications may be worked for hours. Films over 1/16 inch will dry EXTREMELY slow. For impasto techniquesblend with faster drying Golden acrylics and gel mediums.

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