Is it a tattoo Is it jewelry Who cares, because it's COOL! These are not your ordinary temporary tattoos. These are old-skool tattoo designs that with a shiny, bold look. This group features lots of edgy, "girl power" styles, including knuckle tattoos. Just cut out the design you want, peel off the clear protective sheet, position it on your skin, then wet it with a cloth or sponge. After 30 seconds, remove the paper backing and your tattoo is ready to go! Most of our designs will last 3-5 days with normal use. To remove, just apply alcohol or baby oil and wipe off. Whether you are headed out for a night at the club, a day at the beach, or just want to add a little bling to your body, these are the flash you are looking for. Brand: Divine Planet, Model: JTATH
Custom Tab 01
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