Styling cream gel for curly hair creates bouncy curls
Curl cream gel contains shea butter, curl-sculpting polymers and moisturizing conditioners
Uniquely formulated to give the controlled definition of a gel with the soft subtle conditioning of a cream
Offers sculpted curls without the crunch
Sculpted curls without the crunch! Give your curls everything they crave with Garnier Fructis Style Curl Sculpt Conditioning Cream Gel, a styling cream gel for curly hair uniquely formulated to give the controlled definition of a gel with the soft subtle conditioning of a cream. HOW DOES IT WORK Curl Sculpt Cream Gel with Shea Butter, curl-sculpting polymers and moisturizing conditioners leaves curls defined and bouncy. GET INSPIRED! Create a "Sculpted Curls" look: Rub curl cream gel between hands and apply evenly to slightly damp hair. Twist curls loosely around fingers for maximum curl definition. Let curls air-dry for expertly carved curls. Finish any style with Garnier Fructis Style Hairspray for long-lasting hold. For more looks, tips and fun visit our Style Hub. • Styling cream gel for curly hair creates bouncy curls • Curl cream gel contains Shea Butter, curl-sculpting polymers and moisturizing conditioners • Uniquely formulated to give the controlled definition of a gel with the soft subtle conditioning of a cream • Offers sculpted curls without the crunch Apply a quarter-sized amount of product to slightly damp hair. Rake hair with fingers or comb through from root to tip for even distribution. Let air dry or dry with a diffuser. Brand: Garnier, Model: 603084026852, Size: Single
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