INCLUDES: 12 Pack, 2oz assorted pack of Bubble Bottles. Package comes in assorted colors (purple, pink, blue, yellow)•Simply pour the bubble solution to transfer it to your bubble wand. For bubble guns, assembly is super easy: simply take the cap off of the bubble bottle and screw the bottle onto the gun.
OPTIONS: Bubble Bottle perfect for birthday parties, Thanksgiving & Christmas celebrations, party favors, family reunion, etc.•Perfect for pool party, mermaid themed party, birthday, wedding, christening, and any kind of event. Also perfect for party favor, giveaways, rewards, and prizes.
ENTERTAINMENT: Bubble Bottles for Kids great entertainment for kids toys, bath time, water games or outdoor activities.
SAFETY: Safe, non-toxic, children-friendly Bottle Bubbles.Best for ages 3 and up. Parental supervision is advised for using this product.
12 Assorted party bubbles 2 Fl oz with wands! Color assortment of blue, pink, purple, and yellow. Brand: Fun Central
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