Fox Run 7050 Oil and Vinegar Bottle, Glass, Grape Motif

Fox Run
Out Of Stock


  • 2.25 x 3.75 x 6.25 inch
  • Constructed of beautiful clear glass with cork stoppers
  • Inner grape motif capacity: 2.7 oz. Outer capacity: 8.5 oz.
  • Pour oil and vinegar from the same bottle while keeping them separate
  • Ideal for salad dressings, vinaigrettes, infused oils and more

  • Create, store, and serve delicious dressings for your salads and meals. Fox Run's gorgeous Oil and Vinegar Bottle marries oil and vinegar into a conversation piece for your table. Constructed of beautiful clear glass with cork stoppers, the 6.25" tall duet cruet features an elegant inner grape motif. Simple to clean and refill, the outer area has an 8.5 ounce capacity and the inner area has a 2.7 ounce capacity. Ideal for serving salad dressings, vinaigrettes, infused oils and more at the dinner table. Pour oil and vinegar simultaneously from the same bottle, while keeping them separate for storing in this decorative kitchen addition.
    Brand: Fox Run, Model: 7050, Color: Clear, Size: Grape Motif

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