Kit includes: OneClick cleaner for 1.25 mm connectors; OneClick cleaner for 2.5 mm connectors; OneClick Cleaner for MTP/MPO connectors; Solvent pen; Cleaning cube; and a soft case
The Fluke Networks NFC-KIT-CASE-E contains the best tools to effectively remove the toughest contaminants in any fiber network. You can choose between the easy-to-use IBC OneClick Cleaners, the convenient cleaning cube/card and the best optic solvent pen to clean both patch cords and fiber end faces inside ports. All cleaning materials are lint-free and enable an optimal wet and dry cleaning process. The Fluke Networks' OneClick Cleaners instantly clean fiber optic bulkhead connectors and end-faces with one click of the button. Just push the tool tip to engage cleaning action. The OneClick Cleaners give you two ways to clean: (1) Remove one cap to clean connectors; and (2) Remove both caps to clean inside most OTDRs or test equipment bulkheads. Perfectly pairs with any Fluke Networks fiber tester and a great complement to the existing Fluke Networks family of fiber cleaning products. Includes an IBC OneClick 1.25 mm cleaner, an IBC OneClick 2.5 mm cleaner, an IBC OneClick MPO cleaner, a solvent pen, a cleaning cube and a soft case. Brand: Fluke Networks, Model: NFC-KIT-CASE-E, Size: CASE,ONE CLICKS,CUBE,PEN,SWABS,CARDS
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