Flensted Mobiles Harlequin Hanging Nursery Mobile - 14 Inches Cardboard

Flensted Mobiles
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  • A colorful Harlequin symbolizing one of the characters in the classic Italian "Commedia del l'arte". Make sure to watch the charming Patomime theater in Tivoli if you are in Copenhagen .
  • For adults or children, this high end mobile is handmade in Denmark. It is perfectly balanced so that all elements are in constant motion. A Flensted Mobile is made from a combination of love, dedication and quality, bringing a unique design into your home while helping you to unwind at the same time. The mobile creates inner peace with its graceful, therapeutic, and calm movements.
  • Each mobile is fully assembled, ready to hang, and requires no additional assembly. Not simply a nursery mobile, each Flensted Mobile is a piece of kinetic sculpture art that will liven any home, office, nursery, or classroom. Each is beautifully packaged, and makes an excellent gift for teachers, coworkers, or anyone who appreciates quality craftsmanship, and style.
  • Flensted Mobiles are a traditional handicraft in Denmark. The first modern designer mobile was made there in 1954. Today Flensted Mobiles is based on the Danish island of Funen, the birthplace of Hans Christian Anderson, where it creates its very own design fairy tales from the old village school in Brenderup. We are represented all over the world, and take pride in bringing you handmade Danish design for your home - and your heart.
  • Made of light, high quality cardboard, and measures 14" X 8" when displayed. Please see the product description below for more details, and a Flensted Mobile FAQ, and click the "by Flensted Mobiles" link below this page's product title to view all of our different styles.

  • How can I clean my mobile Mobiles made of cardboard should only be dusted with a soft brush. Mobiles made of wood, aluminium or plastic can be wiped with a moist cloth with a few drops of mild dishwashing detergent. How long can my Mobile last One person called us and said that they had inherited a Science Fiction Mobile from her grandmother who had had it for 30 years! In our home we have had the same mobile hanging for more than 20 years. Can my mobile hang outdoors No. Since they are very sensitive to the simplest whiff of air hanging them outside is not recommendable. Will my mobile fade In many of our mobiles we use plastic foil. This material is lightproof and easy to clean. Some other mobiles are made of cardboard. Even though we use the highest quality cardboard it will fade over the years. Red colors fade more than blue. You can delay fading by hanging the mobile out of direct sunlight. When hanging your mobile, try it in different places and bear in mind the following suggestions: 1. The mobile is designed to be a pleasure to the eye and a stimulus to the imagination. Hang out of reach of children. It is not a toy. 2. Hang it away from direct sunlight to avoid the colors fading and the shapes distorting. 3. Hang it where there is some movement of air but no strong draft. A slow, quiet movement is the essence of the mobile. Do not hang it outdoors. 4. Where practical, hang the mobile where it has a subdued, uniform background. A corner position against light-colored walls is often the best location. 5. If possible, hang it in the light from a lamp. The shadow that the mobile casts onto a wall or ceiling will give the mobile yet another dimension. A candle is a concentrated light source which will produce distinct, well-defined shadows. 6. Hang the mobile where you can watch it while listening to music. You will see the mobile move to the rhythm of the music.
    Brand: Flensted Mobiles, Model: f089, Color: Mobile Harlequin

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