Finum Floating Basket, medium

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  • Set contains one permanent tea filter and one hat. Individual packaging in 4 languages (EN, DE, FR, ES)
  • Filter size S fits diameters from 2.3 to 3.5-inch. Made of stainless-steel mesh 18/10. Heat-resistant plastic frame. Long durability and taste unaffected.
  • The tea hat prevents heat-loss and retains the aroma. Serves as a handy drip-off tray for the brewing basket.
  • International patents: US Pat: Pending, JAP: Pending, DGM: Pending
  • Mulling spices are gathered together in the Floating Basket and placed directly into any beverage

  • Finum Floating Basket Mulling spices are gathered together in the Floating Basket and placed directly into the simmering beverage (wine, cider, etc.). The ingredients used in this infusion may include allspice, nutmeg, cloves, cinnamons, dried fruit peelings, amongst others. Furthermore, the hooks on the sides serve to easy-lift of the filter from the basin with one smooth movement & without having to worry about becoming separated during process. Once the brew is complete, the hat can simply be flipped over and used as a drip tray for the used tea filter.
    Brand: Finum, Model: 63/421.40.00, Color: Black, Size: Medium

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