Fijit Friends Yippits Skippa Figure (Light Green)

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  • Introducing the newest member of the Fijit Friends family, Yippits
  • Yippits can dance and perform tricks - the more you play, the more tricks it does
  • Three modes of play: Dancing, Training and Game Mode
  • Features multiple songs, movable feet and comes with three games
  • Unlock secret content by having Yippits interact with other Fijit Friends

  • Fijit Friends Yippits Collection Girls who loved Fijit Friends will love the innovative nurturing play of Fijit Friends Yippits. These dynamic dancing pets perform tricks when you play with them so girls can nurture, teach tricks and discover the spontaneous play that comes with the fun, unpredictability of Yippits. With an innovative clap sensor, Yippits deliver on the responsive play girls love about their Fijit Friends but with three new modes of play Dancing, Training and Game Mode. Yippits can bark, growl, dance and even learn tricks through a progressive play manner so the more a girl plays with her Yippits, the more consistently it performs the trick. Each of the four Yippits feature multiple songs, movable feet and come with three games. Fijit Friends Yippits can also unlock secret content preprogrammed in Fijit Friends utilizing Sonic Chirp technology special audio coding embedded into Yippits, that when detected, triggers various programmed reactions. Includes one Yippit. Collect all of your favorite Yippits, each sold separately. Introducing the newest member of the Fijit Friends family, Yippits Yippits can dance and perform tricks the more you play, the more tricks it does Three modes of play Dancing, Training and Game Mode Features multiple songs, movable feet and comes with three games Unlock secret content by having Yippits interact with other Fijit Friends
    Brand: Mattel, Model: X3410

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