Ever After High Spring Unsprung Briar Beauty Doll

Ever After High
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  • Briar Beauty doll is spellbinding in her outfit from the Spring Unsprung movie
  • She is wearing a rose-and-thorn-themed dress designed by Lizzie Hearts with a wicked cool black and white stem and thorn pattern and fableous rose details
  • A hexquisite flowered hairpiece and necklace, leaf-print leggings, spelltacular flowered boots, silvery bracelet and a rose decorated bag
  • Comes with flower-decorated ring for the girl lets her wear Spring Unsprung fashions
  • A display stand and doll hairbrush extend play and display opportunities with this posable doll

  • Springtime is an epic time to start a new chapter at Ever After High, where the teenage sons and daughters of famous fairytales decide whether or not to follow in their parents' fabled footsteps. Spring is the season for the Spring Fairest, a spellebration of renewal and creativity. Each year, a fableous fair is raised at Ever After High, and the girls get to wear their most spellbinding outfits. This year, Lizzie Hearts, daughter of Wonderland's Queen of Hearts, has taken it upon herself to design hexquisite dresses for her friends. Briar Beauty, the daughter of Sleeping Beauty, is absolutely beautiful in an eye-opening rose-and-thorn-themed look with a wicked cool black and white pattern to symbolize winter's end and fableous flower details to represent the start of spring. A black rose stem print on a white underskirt perfectly complements the rose pattern above. A bubble peplum, black belt and long sheer rose print train are luxe details to set imaginations soaring. Amazing accessories -- like a hexquisite flowered hairpiece and necklace, leaf print leggings, spelltacular flowered boots, a flower-adorned statement necklace, silvery bracelet and a rose-decorated bag -- send this outfit into happily ever after! Girls will love displaying their dolls, recreating favorite scenes and playing out memorable moments from the Spring Unsprung movie. Also included is a matching ring for the girl, so she can wear Spring Unsprung fashions, too. With a charming display stand and doll hairbrush included, this posable doll is ready for any fairytale. Plus, an enclosed bookmark contains hexclusive details about Briar's experience during the Spring Fairest. Collect all of the spellbinding students of Ever After High (sold separately) for hexquisite display and storytelling fun. Includes doll wearing fashion and accessories, purse, display stand, hairbrush, bookmark and flower-decorated ring for the girl. Ages 6 and older.
    Brand: Ever After High, Model: CDM52

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