Ever After High Legacy Day Ashlynn Ella Doll

Ever After High
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  • Ashlynn Ella doll is ready to spellebrate Legacy Day with a spellbinding dress that features a multi-colored floral print, layered ruffles over a fitted glittery skirt and a golden filigree bodice
  • Her hexquisite cape is decorated with a delicate leaf print and metallic gold leaf trim
  • Spelltacular accessories include a charming crown, translucent pink shoes, golden handbag and a doll-sized key that fits in the book
  • Posable doll comes with a doll stand, doll hairbrush and a book that opens to store accessories
  • Collect all the dolls in the Legacy Day collection(each sold separately)

  • Ashlynn Ella, daughter of Cinderella, is hexcited to spellebrate Legacy Day, the epic event where the teenage sons and daughters of famous fairytale legends are supposed to pledge to follow in their parents' fabled footsteps. This Ever After Royal has a positively spellbinding look that takes cues from her mother's legacy. She accessorizes her gorgeous dress, in a floral mint green print, with a dreamy cape, golden jewelry, mesh tights and pink shoes. To hextend the fun, Ashlynn Ella comes with a doll hairbrush and a book that can store spellbinding accessories!
    Brand: Ever After High, Model: BJH49

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