Ever After High Darling Charming Doll

Ever After High
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  • At Ever After High, the teenage sons and daughters of the most famous fairytales turn tradition on its crown when they decide to Choose Their Own Ever After's!
  • Darling Charming, daughter of King Charming, has decided to rewrite her destiny as an Ever After Rebel
  • The pose able doll wears her iconic outfit from the webisodes: a silvery dress with a metallic bodice and sheer glittery peplum
  • Silvery shoulder armor with "jewel"-encrusted detail and a pink belt tied with a "jewel" charm are very warrior-princess
  • Accessories include silvery shoes, a cuff bracelet with ring, tiara-style headband and armor-inspired purse

  • Start a new chapter with Ever After High, where the teenage sons and daughters of famous fairytales decide whether or not to follow in their parents' fabled footsteps. Darling Charming has chosen to rewrite her destiny as an Ever After Rebel -- and to do it in storied style! The daughter of King Charming is a picture-perfect princess who wants to be the knight in shining armor, rather than marry one, and mixes her two sides in one spelltacular look. Fans of Ever After High will recognize her iconic outfit featured in the episodes. The silvery dress shines with a metallic bodice and sheer glittery peplum. Silver shoulder armor with "jewel"-encrusted detail and a pink belt tied with a "jewel" charm are total warrior-princess. Strong accessories include silvery shoes, a silvery cuff bracelet with flowered ring, tiara-style headband and silvery armor-inspired purse. Capture all of her looks and poses using the included doll stand. Doll also comes with a bookmark that shares her exclusive story and a doll hairbrush. Collect all of the spellbinding students of Ever After High (sold separately) for exquisite display and storytelling fun. Doll cannot stand alone. Colors and decorations may vary.
    Brand: Ever After High, Model: CDH58

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