Enchantimals Multipack Playset

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  • Get wild with the Enchantimals Garden Magic doll set that lets imaginations grow with two six-inch Enchantimals dolls, a deer, a bunny, a flower plot with flowers and themed accessories
  • Fluffy Bunny doll has bright teal hair and wears a white removable skirt with floral print. She accessorizes with pink shoes, a white furry stole and gardening hat that lets her rabbit ears poke through
  • Sprint deer figure charms with golden antlers and a furry neck; the small bunny figure is sweet with a puff of fuzzy white hair
  • Danessa Deer doll is a-doe-able in a red skirt with floral print, purple boots, a white furry stole and a sunhat that showcases her golden antlers and purple hair
  • Play out all kinds of enchanting stories with these enchanted friends, and collect them all to build out a world of Enchantimals (each sold separately, subject to availability)

  • Get wild with this Enchantimals gardening-themed gift set that lets imagination grow! It comes with two six-inch Enchantimals dolls -- Fluffy Bunny doll and Danessa Deer doll -- Sprint deer, Mop bunny, a flower plot with flowers and themed accessories. Each piece is enchanting, especially the blue flower plot that has four removable flowers and a hook on each end that can hold the two gardening tools. A pink flower basket and bunny-shaped watering can help imaginations grow even more. Kids will love helping the Enchantimals friends grow a colorful garden and playing out their unique stories. Both Enchantimals dolls wear colorful outfits with removable skirts that have floral prints. Bree Bunny doll, with bright teal hair, accessorizes with pink shoes, a white furry stole and gardening hat that lets her rabbit ears poke through. Danessa Deer doll is a-doe-able with purple boots, a white furry stole and a sunhat that showcases her golden antlers and purple hair. Her deer bestie, Sprint , matches with golden antlers and a white furry neck of his own. Mop bunny figure is sweet with a patch of furry white hair and a look ready to hop wherever imagination leads. Kids will love recreating the wonder of nature and celebrating a world where Caring Is Our Everything . Collect all of the Enchantimals dolls and accessories to build out a world of Enchantimals and tell enchanting stories of your own (each sold separately, subject to availability). Includes Danessa Deer doll and Bree Bunny doll wearing fashions and accessories, Sprint deer figure, Mop bunny figure, one gardening plot, four flowers, one flower basket and one watering can. Colors and decorations may vary.
    Brand: Enchantimals, Model: FDG01

    Custom Tab 01

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