Enchantimals Fruit Cart Doll Playset, Fruit Cart & Monkey

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  • Roll into fun with the fruit cart play set -- the exclusive Enchantimals Merit Monkey doll and her monkey bestie, Compass, have a fruit cart stocked with supplies!
  • The colorful fruit cart has two bright yellow wheels, a pink push handle, shelves and a hook to display the fruity treats
  • Feed the forest with a bunch of bananas, a basket of berries, a pineapple, a jug and two fruity drinks
  • The six-inch Merit Monkey doll is ready to serve up fun wearing a colorful look with floral print on the removable skirt and matching yellow boots. Pretty brown hair and monkey ears will delight animal lovers!
  • Compass is just as cute with a curly tail of its own and a pink flower on its head

  • Let this Enchantimals play set enchant you -- an exclusive Enchantimals Merit Monkey doll and Compass, her monkey friend, have a fruit cart with treats to feed their forest friends. It's ready to roll with two bright yellow wheels, a pink push handle, shelves and a hook to display the fruity treats. There are a bunch of bananas, a pineapple, a basket, a jug and two fruity drinks that look good enough to eat and drink! Merit Monkey doll is ready to serve up fun wearing a colorful look with floral print on the removable skirt and matching yellow boots. This lucky guardian of the forest looks magical with pretty brown hair, monkey ears and a curled tail. Her monkey friend Compass is just as cute with a curly tail of her own and a pink flower on her head. Kids will love recreating the wonder of nature and celebrating a world where Caring Is Our Everything. Collect all of the Enchantimals dolls and accessories to build out a world of Enchantimals and tell enchanting stories of your own (each sold separately, subject to availability). Includes Enchantimals Merit Monkey doll wearing fashions and accessories, Compass monkey friend, one juice cart and themed smaller pieces. Colors and decorations may vary.
    Brand: Enchantimals, Model: FCG93

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