Enchantimals Built for Two Doll Playset, Turtle & Tricycle

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  • Roll into fun with the Built for Two doll set -- the exclusive Enchantimals Taylee Turtle doll and Bounder, her turtle bestie, have a tricycle with a carriage in back that the doll can really ride!
  • Simply place Taylee Turtle doll on the seat, clip her feet into the pedals and her hands on the handlebars, then push to roll the wheels and see her legs pedal for a realistic ride
  • Bounder turtle sits in the carriage with a canopy, both in shades of pink
  • Taylee Turtle doll has long teal hair and is ready to ride wearing a colorful look with floral print on the removable shorts and pink shoes with sock details
  • The doll and the turtle each have a shell-inspired pink helmet with yellow flower

  • Let this Enchantimals play set enchant you -- an exclusive Enchantimals Taylee Turtle doll and Bounder, her turtle friend, have a tricycle the doll can really ride! Plus, a basket with canopy on the back lets Bounder figure ride along, too. Simply place the Enchantimals doll on the seat and clip her feet into the pedals and her hands on the handlebars, then push to roll the wheels and see her legs pedal -- this turtle doesn't have to be slow! The six-inch Taylee Turtle doll is ready to roll into fun wearing a colorful look with floral print on the removable shorts and pink shoes with sock details. A shell-inspired pink helmet with yellow flower matches the smaller one that fits her turtle friend -- and looks cool against her long teal hair. Her turtle friend Bounder is just as cute with a green body and teal shell. Kids will love recreating the wonder of nature and celebrating a world where Caring Is Our Everything. Collect all of the Enchantimals dolls and accessories to build out a world of Enchantimals and tell enchanting stories of your own (each sold separately, subject to availability). Includes Enchantimals Taylee Turtle doll wearing fashions and accessories, Bounder turtle friend, one tricycle and two helmets. Colors and decorations may vary.
    Brand: Enchantimals, Model: FCC65

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