Electronic Pet Dog. Harry Responds To Touch with Fun Puppy Activities, Chasing, Songs, and Dog Sounds.

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  • Harry your pet toy dog is over 7" inches long and almost 6" inches tall.
  • He walks, barks, and other dog sounds. Batteries included 3AA.
  • He is a cute dalmatian toy dog for family fun. Sensors responds to your touch.
  • Play and chase on smooth surfaces, Harry keeps walking with Bump n Go feature
  • Touch head for singing and dancing. Touch on the backside for a surprise.

  • Ok here is some detail of what Harry does:

    Play toy puppy interactive games as Harry responds to your touch. It is a touch sensitive pet dog for girls and boys.

    Summary of Activities:

    Power button "Hello I am Harry I want to be your friend can we play together .....introduction walking around and have a short song.

    You can turn off manually by pressing again or you have Auto off after 30 seconds .... then Harry says "I am tied and will take a nap"

    Touch head: Will Play the song "How much is the doggy in the window with children's voice and walks around. Plays songs : Mary had a little Lamb, give a dog a bone, How much is the doggy in the window.

    Touch under the tail (backside): Says sorry after "making a sound" and laughs hehehe

    Touch top back the blue spot: Plays the chasing game..lets run can you catch me Plays music and Harry will move with Bump n Go action. Harry will tell you when he can not go anywhere if you block both directions.

    Pull tail : Runs away and Harry says "Oh no stop it"

    Touch nose or nearby: - Harry says "Oh no who is touching my nose "

    Harry is a cute robot dog with music and is an educational toy for toddlers ages 2 and up. Like a real dog and fun with autistic children.
    Brand: WEoffer whatYOUwant, Color: White

    Custom Tab 01

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