CREATE A FLAWLESS BASE FOR YOUR MAKEUP This primer minimizes the appearance of pores and transforms your face into a smooth, flawless canvas for long-lasting makeup application.
VITAMIN INFUSED SKIN CONDITIONER Infused with Tea Tree and Vitamins A & E for smoothing, hydrating and restorative benefits, our primer is the perfect addition to your beauty routine.
HOW TO USE Apply to clean, moisturized skin prior to makeup application. Use a small amount and blend evenly on your face.
AT e.l.f. COSMETICS, we believe that beauty comes from within all of us, and our products are designed to let your inner beauty shine through. We offer luxurious cosmetics made with quality ingredients that are perfect for women of any age.
CRUELTY FREE AND VEGAN Our primers are PETA certified cruelty free and vegan, so you can feel good about using our products.
Reduces the appearance of enlarged pores, fine lines, and shine for a gorgeous airbrushed look. Infused with Tea Tree and Vitamins A&E for anti-aging and restorative benefits. This multipurpose skin primer transforms your face into a flawless and smooth canvas so makeup goes on evenly for a long-lasting matte finish. Brand: e.l.f. Cosmetics, Size: 1 Pack
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