Dry-Packs 100-1-Quart Mylar Bags, 8 by 8-Inch for Dried Dehydrafted

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  • Strong and durable mylar bag, commonly used for food storage of dehydrated foods like grains, beans, seeds, etc
  • Bag is heat or vacuum sealable for long term storage of product
  • These bags reflect light, prodvide a moisture and oxygen barrier and they are puncture and tear resistant
  • These are some of the industry best mylar bags available
  • 4.3 mil thickness, a strong and durable bag

  • These Mylar Bags combined with Oxygen absorbers, when stored in a rigid container, have proven to be the ideal way to store dehydrated goods for long-term storage. Mylar bags protect your food investment from the effects of oxygen, moisture contamination, and light penetration. They are excellent for the long-term storage of dehydrated foods because they have a FDA approved sealant layer and can be heat sealed with a standard clothing iron on the wool setting, or a hair straightener. Simply add the dehydrated food to the mylar bag, place appropriate number of oxygen absorbers on top, and push out as much residual air as possible before sealing the bag.
    Brand: Dry-Packs, Model: MB8x8-100PK, Color: Silver, Size: 100-1-Quart

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