Dresser Vanity Beauty Set | Pink Princess Pretend Play Dressing Table Top Set with Makeup Mirror, Jewelry and Accessories | Music and Lights for Little Girls

Liberty Imports
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  • DREAM KIDS VANITY SET: Beautiful dresser vanity mirror set toy for little girls. Includes jewelry and accessories such as rings, necklaces, comb, hair bands, fake lipsticks and bottles.
  • SAFE AND DURABLE: Made with high quality ABS plastic materials, these toys are built to last. Our toys are fully tested and certified according to the ASTM & CPSC standards for toy safety.
  • LIGHTS & SOUNDS: Watch your dresser light up and play music! This dresser and mirror set is beautiful and fun to play with. The mirror is adjustable and measures 8". Press the heart button and the four gems on the mirror will light up.
  • PRETEND PLAY: While highly realistic, none of the make-up pieces are real. They are intended for pretend application only. These accessories do not contain anything that can spill or apply.
  • DIMENSIONS: Dresser base measures 17" x 8" and stands 15" tall. What better gift is there for your child than the opportunity to cultivate their active imagination.

  • Dresser and mirror set your girl will adore! This dresser and mirror set is beautiful and fun to play with. The mirror is adjustable and measures 8". Press the heart button and the four gems on the mirror will light up. Music will play too. The dresser has 3 drawers which can be opened. The base measures 17" x 8" and stands 15" tall. A jewelry set is also included. Jewelry set includes 3 rings, 3 necklaces, comb, 2 hair bands, 2 lipsticks, 3 bottles. Your girl will feel like a princess with this wonderful dresser and mirror collection!
    Brand: Liberty Imports

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