Djeco Origami, Animals

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  • Djeco Origami, Animals is a fun kit for engaging children with the art of origami. This step by step approach is perfect for young and beginning paper artists.
  • This set includes 12 papers, 6 with pre-printed eyes and faces and 6 without, 3 sheets of stickers for decorating. Just fold the colorful, pre-printed papers into various styles of animal faces.
  • This set is recommended for kids 4 years and older. Because play is essential to a child's development, Djeco creates toy collections that are always entertaining, educational and imaginative.
  • Finish of the fun folded animal faces with stickers for eyes, whiskers and more
  • A fun kit for introducing children to the art of origami

  • A beautiful and fun kit for the beginning paper artist! 24 pages printed with animal motifs and step by step folding instructions make an excellent kit for children to learn the engaging art of origami. Finish off the animal creations with the included stckers - there are eyes, whiskers and more!

    Because play is essential to a child's development, Djeco creates toy collections that are always entertaining, educational and imaginative. Staying faithful to their philosophy of incorporating art into play, the passionate and inventive Djeco creative team includes unique illustration and bold graphic design into all of their toys.
    Brand: Djeco, Model: DJ08761

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