Disney Sofia the First Tea Party Picnic Doll

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  • Have a magical tea party picnic with Princess Sofia and Clover the Rabbit!
  • Princess Sofia wears a precious pink party dress with a matching teatime hat
  • Bring Clover and four interactive tea party accessories close to Sofia to hear more than 40 fun phrases!
  • Adorable Clover has a bobbling head, long furry ears and wears a delightful blue bowtie
  • Includes a dessert tray and picnic basket, tea pot, two tea cups, two cupcakes and a pink-and-white picnic blanket

  • Princess Sofia and Clover the Rabbit are ready to throw the perfect princess picnic - and girls are invited to join the party! The lovable princess-in-training wears a precious pink party dress with a matching teatime hat. Adorable Clover has a bobbling head, long furry ears and wears a delightful blue bowtie. Bring Clover and four interactive tea party accessories close to Sofia to hear more than 40 fun phrases that will make girls feel like they are truly part of this very special tea party picnic. Also included is a picnic basket, which opens to store the teapot, two tea cups, two cupcakes and a pink-and-white picnic blanket. Also included is a golden, tiered dessert tray. Ages 3 and older.
    Brand: Mattel, Model: BDH68

    Custom Tab 01

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