Disney Sofia the First Bedtime Doll

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  • Based on the hit new animated series from Disney Junior, Sofia the First
  • Girls will love reenacting their favorite scenes from the show
  • Her soft body makes her the perfect cuddling companion
  • Princess Sofia doll says 10 playful phrases that will truly make girls feel like they're at a slumber party
  • Sofia's amulet glows when pressed - making bedtime extra bright and enchanting!

  • Kids can have their very own royal sleepover View largerSofia's eyes open and close as she lays down View larger
    Large-Scale Fun

    Kids will enjoy sweet dreams with this delightful Princess Sofia doll. Designed with a soft-body, this 10-inch doll is great for bedtime snuggling. Cuddle up to her soft body to share stories about the day, then lay down together for some "shut eye." Princess Sofia doll's eyes open and close as she is laid down to fall asleep, just like a princess.

    A Sweet Nightgown for Sweet Dreams

    Fans of the beloved Disney Junior series will love cuddling with Princess Sofia, adorably dressed in her purple nightgown with sweet lace accents, matching fuzzy slippers and her iconic purple amulet, which glows when pressed.

    Speaks 10 Phrases

    For even more giggles and friendship play, Bedtime Princess Sofia doll can "talk." Simply press Princess Sofia's amulet to hear 10 phrases themed for slumber-party fun. She'll invite kids to her royal sleepover, comment on the fun and offer sweet compliments. Greeting include "Good night," "Good morning" and "Rise and shine!"

    Sleep Happily Ever After

    Kids will love awakening with this doll as much as falling asleep. They're sure to sleep easy with her cuddly body, sweet phrases, and magical light.

    Beautiful features and a soft body make Sofia perfect for cuddling View larger
    Product Features
  • Have a royal sleepover with this 10” Princess Sofia doll
  • Her soft body is perfect for cuddling
  • Her eyes open and close as she lays down
  • Press her amulet and the doll "speaks" 10 phrases, like "Let's have a royal sleepover!"

  • Brand: Mattel, Model: BGT60

    Custom Tab 01

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