Disney Sofia the First Amber and Peacock Giftset

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  • Based on the hit new animated series from Disney Junior, Sofia the First
  • Princess Amber loves her furry friends
  • Praline the peacock comes with an expandable outdoor castle
  • Dolls unlock phrases in the Magical Talking Castle, sold separately
  • Includes 1 doll, 1 pet figure, expandable mini castle and pet accessories

  • Princess Sofia loves her furry friends and now she has even more to play with--from the castle zoo! Here, Sofia and Ginger the Rabbit are ready for a day of fun at Ginger's mini-zoo castle, which opens and closes to store the pretty white rabbit's carrots, bows, pillows and planter. Also included in the collection is Princess Amber and her magnificent peacock, Praline, who also comes with an expandable outdoor castle that stores the peacock's bowl of seeds, mirror, stool and feather fan. Both princess dolls come dressed in fashions from the series: Sofia in her signature princess dress and Amber in a special green fashion and blue hat. For added fun, both dolls unlock phrases in the Magical Talking Castle, sold separately.
    Brand: Mattel, Model: BDK54

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