Disney Princess Sparkling Princess Belle Doll

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  • Girls can celebrate their favorite moments from the classic Disney movie Beauty and the Beast
  • Sparkling Princess Ariel looks as princess pretty as ever!
  • This doll is dressed in a vibrant gown with jewel-tone accents and glittery detail
  • The outfit features Belle's signature color and classic icons
  • Iconic princess accessories include a pretty tiara

  • The beloved princess characters from Disney's animated fairy-tale masterpieces look as enchanting as ever in their sparkling gowns in a spectrum of vibrant colors. This Disney Princess Sparkling Princess Belle doll features one of girls' favorite leading princess characters with long, silky hair that is elegantly styled under her beautiful tiara. She is regally adorned in a signature colored gown with beautiful, glittery accents, befitting a princess. Her elite ball gown is a one-of-a-kind design that has a stunning silhouette and sparkling bodice and comes with princess-perfect glittery shoes. Girls will revel as they re-live the joyous scenes from the classic Disney movie Beauty and the Beast with this beautiful princess all dressed up for the moment when all her dreams come true! Doll cannot stand alone.
    Brand: Mattel, Model: CBD35

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