Disney Princess Shimmer Style Salon Playset

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  • The majestic hair salon is the perfect place for princesses and royal horses
  • Rapunzel doll comes dressed in her signature gown
  • Style with two pretty extensions, barrettes and a comb
  • Full-length mirror reveals an entry way for royal horses to enter
  • Includes salon, Rapunzel doll and styling accessories

  • Get tangled up with the Disney Tangled Rapunzel's Castle Hair Salon Playset. With its charming castle shape, this majestic hair salon is the perfect place where all your long-haired princess characters and their royal horses can get their hair styled! The salon comes with the kingdom's best-tressed princess, Rapunzel, dressed in her signature gown. The Rapunzel doll, and her royal friends and horses, can have their hair styled with 2 pretty extensions, barrettes and a comb, or girls can wash their doll's hair in the salon washbasin, which flips over to reveal a bowl of tasty treats for the horses. For added royal flair, the salon includes a full-length mirror that, when removed, reveals an entryway for the kingdom's long-haired horses to enter. Includes salon and Rapunzel doll. Other dolls and horses sold separately. Ages 3 and up.
    Brand: Mattel, Model: BDJ57

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